
Speeches & Statements

12/27/2010 Speech of President of Georgia on the Oath Ceremony of the State Guard Special Service Conscripts I greet you all! Today you officially became members of the Armed Forces of Georgia. This is an extraordinary honor, privilege and your success, happiness and welfare, after all, is the matter dignity of the State of Georgia, as well as the matter of your...
12/24/2010 The President of Georgia held a government session in Mestia Greetings. I would like to congratulate you on this day, because it is a serious and important day for Svaneti today - I don't want to use term "historic", because time will define this one day. First steps were practically made already and we have receiv...
12/17/2010 The President of Georgia held a government session at Sataplia reserve I would like to greet you all here at Sataplia reserve on a specially arranged Government session. We are intending to visit Prometheus Cave from here, because the territory there is more open and it has much more potential for such tourism. Me, Goga Khac...
12/9/2010 Remarks of H.E. President Mikheil Saakashvili 16th Conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
12/3/2010 President of Georgia Opened Economical Zone of Concluding (EZC) in New Building Greetings! I was here several years ago and I remember that nasty, unaesthetic zone, where only old cadre worked. You probably remember that I almost fired all the Government for the conditions that existed here. One can notice really surprising progress ...
12/1/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili's Speech at OSCE Summit in Astana Thank you Mr. Chairman, distinguished heads of states and governments, ladies and gentlemen, allow me first of all to thank our Khazakh hosts, I have been in the city of Astana for the first time six years ago. This very city is a great evidence of what l...
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