
Speeches & Statements

4/30/2007 President Mikheil Saakashvili's address at the Vaziani military base on 30 April Welcome!Today Georgia is marking the 16th anniversary of the founding of its armed forces, which have been achieving great progress of late. Our troops are constantly prepared. The process of modernization - equipping and training them - is proceeding at ...
4/23/2007 President Saakashvili unveils five-point plan for South Ossetia at a Security Council meeting Welcome!The Security Council has discussed our proposal, which is based on the law being discussed in parliament concerning our peace plan for South Ossetia. I believe that the time has come for us to begin making concrete proposals and offers and also ta...
4/20/2007 President Mikheil Saakashvili's address at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly's 65th Rose-Roth seminar in Tbilisi on 19 April Welcome seminar participants!I am happy to see you here in Tbilisi, in Georgia's capital. We are also happy that Tbilisi is very quickly becoming an important centre for international forums and conferences. Tbilisi has traditionally been the centre of th...
4/17/2007 President SaakaShvili addresses newly trained reservist troops at mukhrovani base Greetings!I want to express my amazement and my deep pride at what all of Georgia is seeing today. Despite the prognoses of our ill-wishers, Georgia is not some little gnome that can be stepped on and squashed. Georgia is not a country that lacks self-res...
4/16/2007 President Mikheil Saakashvili's address at a joint briefing with Polish President Lech Kaczynski Welcome everyone!I would like to greet the president of Poland and our other guests from Poland, in particular the large group of Polish journalists!I want to point out that there is absolute mutual understanding in our bilateral relations; we have identi...
4/6/2007 Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili held a special briefing President Mikheil Saakashvili held a special briefing on 5 April to thank members of parliament for reaching consensus to support a draft law on creating a temporary administrative unit for South Ossetia. Parliament voted 165-2 in favour of the bill. [Saa...
4/2/2007 Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visits Senaki military base Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has delivered a speech before a group of young people undergoing training in the new reservist programme at the Senaki military base in western Georgia. He said that the programme, which aims to create a force of 100...
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