
Speeches & Statements

5/30/2010 The President of Georgia addressed the society gathered at Gigi Ugulava's headquarters It is a fine day in Georgia today, because today's elections brought one more victory to democracy. These elections are observed very intensively by our friends as well as our enemies, but compared with our people, everything bears secondary importance. O...
5/21/2010 The President of Georgia met the Parliamentary Majority The election campaign is entering the final stage. We, as the best-organized and leading political force in Georgia have double responsibility. The first - to maintain the existing course of reforms - despite all difficulties, despite the fact that a new ...
5/17/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili awarded the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan with Golden Fleece Order Greetings! 6 years ago, when Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Georgia first to encourage us, he told me what his grandmother used to tell him about Batumi - this is a city, with white marble walls, the most beautiful and brilliant city on the Black Sea Coast....
5/6/2010 The President of Georgia delivered a speech at the parade near the Ministry of Internal Affairs Greetings! Congratulations on police day! Honorary co-warriors, our dear fellow citizens, respected Ambassadors, dear guests, today is a brilliant holiday of Saint George, congratulations to you all on this holiday! If something protects our country, if t...
5/6/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the local population in Batumi Congratulations to you all on St George's day and on the day of Adjara Liberation! Many historical dates might become suspicious, but this really was a day of liberation. You know that starting from the second half of the 90ies Aslan Abashidze (a man that...
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