
Speeches & Statements

12/31/2005 President Saakashvili awards public figures with orders and medals of honor First of all I would like to thank you all for coming!This is a very important event for us since I have an honor to award state decorations to public figures today. I must mention that we rarely award people, as I consider that the government should resp...
12/31/2005 President Saakashvili’s New Year address In a few minutes' time we will say goodbye to 2005. The year 2005 has seen many positive changes in our lives. In this period our nation has replaced lawlessness with law, order with chaos, hope and a belief in our own strength for hopelessness, daily ene...
12/29/2005 President Saakashvili signs legislation on organized crime and racketeering President Saakashvili today signed legislation on organized crime and racketeering, saying:"I would like to sign legislation on organized crime and racketeering. This law serves to institutionalize our effort to crack down on organized crime and the exist...
12/28/2005 Address by President Saakashvili at charity dinner with businessmen I welcome you all. We are establishing a very important tradition. This dinner is very important because it is the first major event of its kind in our country. We are only beginning to establish traditions. We have a new coat of arms, a new anthem, which...
12/9/2005 President Saakashvili unveils Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration in Kutaisi Welcome, everybody!It is an historic day. I would like to congratulate all of you on the opening of the Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration in Kutaisi. It is not accidental that this school has been named after Zurab Zhvania. He played an enormo...
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