
Speeches & Statements

6/25/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili addressed Georgian sailors Greetings! Today we are celebrating Sailor's International Day. We must never forget that one of the major fundaments of Batumi and the major driving force of local economy and the major breadwinner of the families here, now as well as during the past dec...
6/18/2011 President of Georgia awarded French Minister of Cooperation Henri de Raincourt with Saint George's Order of Victory Today the President of Georgia met French Minister of Cooperation in Batumi, who was awarded with Saint George's Award of Victory by Mikheil Saakashvili. Henri de Raincourt was awarded for his contribuation in two states' development and for his special support to Georgia. With his participation lots of projects were implemented, including the latest project - the recently opened Medical Centre in Gurjaani.
6/13/2011 The President of Georgia met a hundred best students Greetings! It has never happened before that so many beautiful and smart children have gathered here. The fact that you are very smart is not proved by my words only, but the IT technologies revealed it, because you have received the highest scores in the...
6/7/2011 Spokesperson of the President of Georgia Held Traditional Briefing During her traditional briefing the spokesperson of the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze spoke about the events of the last week. She claimed that it was very important period for Georgia's foreign relations. She underlined the President's visit in...
6/6/2011 The President of Georgia addressed guests gathered at the charity dinner This is the first time when I can say that a serious tradition of philanthropy, charity had been formed in Georgia. Business can do, what they did today and it is the true evidence of how far had our country is not towards progress. I specially would like...
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