
Speeches & Statements

The President of Georgia and the candidate for Prime Minister made joint statements

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili:

I would like to tell you that today is a historic process.

For the first time in this region and this part of the Post Soviet space transfer of most executive powers is taking place in a peaceful way and in democratic conditions.

The Georgian people have made their choice.

We have always said in the past and we will always say in the future: we respect the choice of the Georgian people.

Georgian people are the supreme actors, which determine political processes in the country.

We have spoken and of course it is not a surprise to anyone that fundamental differences in many political and national issues remain between us.

But we  as a responsible government, and I as President - the guarantor of the Constitution, will ensure that transfer of power takes place without any excesses and like never before in our history – by considering the interests of the Georgian people fully, and keeping the political processes within the scope of democracy.

We have to fight in order to keep democracy in the country and make sure that free elections are also held in Georgia in the future, democracy is strengthened, and the country has a chance to develop and create better prospects for the Georgian people.

I as President, and all of us, will work to make sure that the Georgian people’s interests are fully protected.

This is what kept me moving, this will be my moving force for the following months, years, and in terms of the work of my every comrade.

This is why I think the Georgian people will interpret what has happened in their own way. Time is needed to see and analyze what has happened, but we have to focus on the future right now.

We must all be focused on prosperity of the Georgian people.

Despite the fact that we have fundamental differences on most issues and difference of opinions, we have achieved and we are still achieving to lead this process lawfully, constitutionally, and in the right framework.

I think this is the main thing we must emphasize today.

I want to wish our people success.

I think Georgia will have a future and we are also going to be an important part of this future as citizens of Georgia as well as politicians.


Candidate for Prime Minister of the “Georgian Dream” coalition Bidzina Ivanishvili:

Our today’s meeting was a continuation of the healthy politics that my team and I have brought into the political space of Georgia.

The fact that my team and I were able to create a precedent of transferring power in a democratic manner will definitely be mentioned honorably in the history of Georgia.

The fact that we were able to answer dishonorable actions of our opponents with honorable actions all year is the reason of today’s meeting and its continuation.

As we have said before and we are saying today, we will treat our opponents not like they deserve but like our country, our people, our population, and our culture deserves.

This was also the reason of our today’s meeting.

We spoke about foreign policy, opinions and etc. and the area where our foreign policy overlaps. We had both declared that Europe and Euro Atlantic space is our strategy and like the old government we will aspire towards Europe, and Georgia will definitely be able to become a member of NATO in the nearest future.

This is roughly the type of conversation we had.

It is good that we were able to meet.

Saakashvili himself was able to state what I assessed positively. He stated this during the elections and at the end of elections.

Our today’s meeting also serves showing that we are a cultured nation.

We are beginning a new life and we will always treat our opponents in an honorable way.

Thank you!

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