
Speeches & Statements

5/31/2005 President Saakashvili hails I want to make a statement about the political agreement reached in Moscow today. Today Georgia and Russia reached a political agreement on the final withdrawal of Russian military bases from Georgia. I would like to remind you, my fellow citizens, what t...
5/26/2005 Latvian President pledges Georgia support at Independence Day Parade Mr. President Saakashvili, respected members of parliament and the government of Georgia, dear people of Georgia.I greet you on this day of celebration, the national day of independence. It is a day of pride, it is a day of joy, and I have come here from ...
5/26/2005 Five core principles for the world's reformers By Mikheil Saakashvili - President of Georgia Dramatic changes are sweeping across the area that was once the Soviet Union. It is clear that, after the revolutionary changes in Tbilisi, Kiev and Bishkek, the old status quo is gone forever. Kleptocratic wa...
5/26/2005 President Saakashvili holds annual summing up briefing This is the second traditional address on the eve of Independence Day. This is a time for me to briefly review what has happened in Georgia over the past year. Since 26 May last year, and in the last few years in general, it has been a very dynamic, very ...
5/10/2005 Remarks by President Bush and President Saakashvili of Georgia in a Joint Press Availability PRESIDENT SAAKASHVILI: I'll say a few words in English. I want to welcome you, Mr. President, for this historic occasion. You know, right now we have in the streets of Tbilisi, as they are telling me, more than 150,000 people assembled, and I can tell you...
5/10/2005 President Saakashvili’s Welcoming Address For the President of the United States My fellow countrymen, dear guests, friendsToday we are writing a new chapter of history together. The walls of this city span millennia. They have witnessed the history of a small, albeit tough and proud nation engaged in a never-ending struggle for freed...
5/3/2005 Georgian President addresses Nation ahead of Bush visit I would like to thank everyone for coming. It is very unusual to see a red carpet in this room and I don't like the fact that it has been laid here. I will be sitting here for only two hours or maybe one and a half so I do not need a red carpet. This kind...
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