

11/30/2010 The President of Georgia held a session regarding the development of transportation and communication sphere policy Transportation and communication spheres' policy development session was held in Anaklia by the initiative of the President of Georgia. Prime Minister Nick Gilauri, the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Vera Kobalia, Deputy Foreign Minister ...
11/30/2010 The President of Georgia opened the construction of Zugdidi-Anaklia airport The President of Georgia visited the construction of Zugdidi-Anaklia airport that will serve new tourism zone in Anaklia. "This airport has local importance. Poti international airport will be the largest airport in Georgia. I hope construction of it will...
11/29/2010 The President of Georgia met the Vice Premiers of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro The President of Georgia held a meeting with Vice Premiers of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro at Kvareli Lake resort today. The subject of discussion was reforms that were carried out in order to develop business environment and tourism in Georgia. "I op...
11/29/2010 The President of Georgia opened a new school in village Gavazi The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened a new school in village Gavazi, Kvareli region. It is a three-store building and is equipped with modern international standards. Labs of chemistry, physics and biology represent an innovation as a compu...
11/26/2010 The President of Georgia visited Terjola region The President of Georgia opened a new school in village Chkhari, Imereti region together with the Minister of Education of Georgia. The school fully adheres to the modern standards. Labs of chemistry, physics and biology are equipped with the latest equip...
11/25/2010 President of Georgia Opened St. Nikoloz's Church in Batumi Today the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened St. Nikoloz's Church in Batumi. During the last several months reconstruction works had been taking place in the church that was built in 1865. Just in this church the Catholicos-Patriarch his Holi...
11/25/2010 The President of Georgia took Placido Domingo round renovated Batumi The President of Georgia took Spanish tenor Placido Domingo round renovated Batumi. Mikheil Saakashvili showed him the Opera House that is under reconstruction. Famous tenor checked out the acoustics of Opera new building with his own voice. Before that M...
11/24/2010 The President of Georgia was granted the highest award of Republic of Moldova The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited the Republic of Moldova today. Official welcoming ceremony was held in the honor of President Saakashvili at International Chisinau Airport. The acting President of Moldova Mihai Ghimpu personally welco...
11/23/2010 The President of Georgia delivered a speech at the session of the Foreign Relations Committee of the European Parliament The President of Georgia spoke about Georgia's territorial integrity, peace initiative, Russia-Georgian relations, carried out reforms and constitutional amendments at the session of the Foreign Relations Committee of the European Parliament. Mikheil Saak...
11/23/2010 Jerzy Buzek: “Georgia can become a brilliant model of how you moved forward to democratic system” "We wish stable Georgia that effectively develops. We wish stability in all Southern Caucasus and Georgia can become a brilliant model of how you moved forward to democratic system, free market and how you defend and respect human rights, the rule of law"...
11/20/2010 Mikheil Saakashvili held meetings with the world leaders in Lisbon Strengthening partnership relations and integration into European structures were the major issues discussed during the bilateral meetings between Mikheil Saakashvili and world leaders of various countries in Lisbon. Today, in the evening time the Preside...
11/20/2010 President of Georgia holds meetings within the bounds of the NATO Summit in Lisbon President of Georgia continues to have bilateral meetings within the bounds of the NATO SummitinLisbon. Mikheil Saakashvili held tte--tte meetings with his Polish and Romanian counterparts Traian Basescu and Bronislaw Komorowski. The leaders once again st...
11/20/2010 Cadre Changes in the government and national security council of Georgia On the bases of the order of the president of Georgia Giorgi Bokeria has been appointed assistant of the president in national security issues and Secretary of the National Security Council of Georgia. The president of Georgia presented the candidature of...
11/19/2010 The President of Georgia met the Prime Minister of Canada The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held his first meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper in Lisbon within the frames of NATO Summit. The Prime Minister underlined the importance of Georgia's role in Afghan NATO operation and st...
11/18/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy today. The President of the European Council made a statement in which he expressed his support to Georgia and pointed out that EU continues its full ...
11/18/2010 President of Georgia awarded former Representative of NATO Secretary-General in Central Asia and Caucasus with Honorary Order of Excellence During his visit in Brussels President of Georgiamet Robert Simons, a former representative of NATO Secretary-General in Central Asia and Caucasus. Mikheil Saakashvili awarded Robert Simons with Presidential Order of Excellence for his contribution in Geo...
11/18/2010 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili expresses his condolences Gia Arsenishvili's family on his death "I am very sorry because of the death of very exceptional person Gia Arsenishvili. I have lost personal friend and an advisor for a long period of time, the Georgian society a noble minded, wise and heartfelt person, the Parliament of Georgia has lost a d...
11/18/2010 EU will never come to terms with Georgia's occupation EU will never come to terms with Georgia's occupation - Jos Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission stated after meeting the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili in Brussels. "Thisis of course very sensitive issue, we have always kept pol...
11/17/2010 The President of Georgia will deliver a speech at European Parliament The President of Georgia Mikhehil Saakashvili will address European Parliament and EU from the Europe's highest tribune. Mikheil Saakashvili will hold a meeting with the President of European Parliament Jerzy Buzek. After the meeting an official dinner wi...
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