

8/26/2008 Statement by the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili The Russian Federation's actions are an attempt to militarily annex a sovereign nation-the nation of Georgia. This is in direct violation of international law and imperils the international security framework that has ensured peace, stability, and order f...
8/24/2008 Communiqué du service de presse de la présidence de Géorgie La Gorgie est reconnaissante des efforts considrables que la Rpublique de la France et personnellement son Prsident Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy dploie pour le rglement du conflit. Cette intervention de sa diplomatie de navette a pu arrter l'agression de la R...
8/24/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the members of the Parliament bureau Good evening!First of all I want to express my gratitude for your exceptional and well organized activities and for your unity.Our unity is a gallows for our enemy.Here are the representatives of our opposition tonight. Yesterday I watched on TV how Giorg...
8/22/2008 President Mikheil Saakashvili convened the session of the National Security Council of Georgia Good evening!We have dispatched to Gori our law enforcement ministers, who supervise demining operations in the town and surrounding areas; in the coming minutes movement on highway will be restored; the railroad movement will be restored by tomorrow morn...
8/16/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the refugees "It was not my initiative to begin this all. You know it well - Kokoiti threatened us with his statement and the aggression started. The aim of this aggression was not only the attack on the gorge, but the aim was the occupation of Georgia, in absolutely ...
8/9/2008 Presidential Decree on Declaration of State of War and Full Scale Mobilization During the last days the situation on the territory of the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia has seriously aggravated. Separatists are engaged in massive violation of human rights and freedoms, armed assaults on peaceful population and violence....
8/7/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited wounded people at Gori Military Hospital The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili went to Gori Military Hospital, where he visited Georgian wounded militaries. "I want to say that in recent days - although we have permanent contacts with the Russian diplomats - everyday attacks still continu...
8/4/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili expressed his condolences of on the death of Alexander Soljenitsyn to his family members The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili expressed his deep sorrow on the death of great Russian writer Alexander Soljenitsyn.In the letter of condolences which the President of Georgia sent to the writer's wife, Natalia Soljenitsyna is saied:"I expre...
8/4/2008 On fixing the date of Supreme Council elections in Autonomous Republic of Adjara According to the decree of the President of Georgia # 539, the orderly elections of Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjara "on the status of Autonomous Republic of Adjara", due to Georgian constitutional law article 10, paragraph 4 and article 2...
8/3/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended a festal church service The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended a festal church service in Sameba Cathedral today. The Catholicos-Patriarch of all Georgia and Patriarch Teodore II, Eastern Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa visiting Tbilisi, h...
8/2/2008 The President of Georgia awarded the winners of Yurmala Festival The reception was held in the President's Residence today in the honor of the winners of Yurmala Festival "New Wave". Mikheil Saakashvili hosted Rati Durglishvili and Maka Zambakhidze. "I have an honor and pleasant obligation to greet the winners of Yurma...
8/1/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil saakashvili awarded the Ambassador of Estonia to Georgia The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili awarded the acting Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Estonia Hari Lakhtein with the Order of Honor today. Hari Lakhtein was awarder the Order of Honor for his share in strengthening friendly relat...
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