

The President of Georgia met with the population of Keda

Greetings everyone!

I come here very often. Keda is a lot more beautiful than it was several years ago, but I wish it to be even more beautiful than today. This is not just a desire.

We spare no efforts every day not only to make this place beautiful but make the lives of each one of much better.

I will never forget the fact that you have liberated Adjara. People drove down from mountainous Adjara and liberated the region from the old government. That is when the old epoch ended and the new epoch began for Adjara and the rest of Georgia.

I would just like to recall the time you remember well. Aslan Abashidze renovated a couple hospitals on the outside and a little on the inside and he constantly bragged about it to the officials brought in from Moscow.

The hospitals are not just renovated, but we are building the best medical centers in the world; they are being built not somewhere in a distant place, but in your region, in your cities, and villages.

To be honest, I don’t even have time to brag, because I can’t tour and open everything.

This is the difference between the rehabilitation epoch, taking care of people and our families and one’s own pocket. It is impossible to combine the both simultaneously. You either take care of your pocket or take care of easing the conditions of your people, how to save these people from poverty, and create a better life for them.

We have a government that does not steal. We have a government which knows well that it was brought to power by the people, on behalf of the people, and in the end the people are its final destination and final chiefs. Of course, the government should do everything for the people.

The most important goal is for these hospitals to be accessible. I’ve met people that had surgeries with the help of health insurance policies but I’ve also been told that the insurance covers the cost of the surgery but not any additional costs. Hence, people need more assistance. This hospital has been built in the center of Keda and naturally people from Turkey, especially from Germany, USA and China won’t come here to get medical care. This is yours, of the local population.

Back in the past, only 2-3 hospitals in Tbilisi had such comfortable rooms and were of such a high caliber, and those were not nearly as nice.

Now, first of all the best of everything is being done in places where there were the worst conditions in the past. We offer assistance in places where people were the most unprotected in the past.

You know that this year we opened a small wine factory in Keda and small vineyards were put in place.

You know that new agricultural programs have become functional. We are also increasing the number of tractors.

You know that we are beginning to build a road at the Goderdzi Pass next year. This means that mountainous Adjara will no longer be a dead end.

By the way, I was recently in Adigeni and the local population was saying that that place is a dead end.

We will need a maximum of 2-3 years to build this road. It is a tough road, but we have built tougher ones.

This place will not only be an extension of Batumi, but one of the most important places of Georgia.

We are creating a program for eco-migrants based on which they will get apartments in Batumi. 100 families will move to Batumi within the next few months.

Several hundred other families will be added to them in next few years. This year and next year thousands of eco-migrants will begin a massive settlement in apartments. They will begin a new life, have new working prospects and will create a new future for their children.

This was one of our chief promises.

We don’t say anything in vain.

Neither I nor Levan Varshalomidze go anywhere empty-handed.

We were saying that we would build roads in Adjara and we did.

We were saying that we would build social facilities and we are building them.

We were saying that we would create agricultural programs and we are doing so.

We said that first of all, we would create a very serious center of employment in Batumi. Construction is going on day and night here.

This is only the beginning of the beginning, but in the end Batumi will be one of the best and most interesting cities in the world, including in terms of employment.

We said that we would take eco-migrants to another place and we have already started working in this direction.

In short, we will fulfill all of our promises to the end so that we save face and greet you proudly in the future. This is a matter of honor.

Thank you.

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