

1/26/2011 The President of Georgia received Azerbaijan and Turkey Ministers of Transportation The President of Georgia received the Minister of Transportation of Azerbaijan Zia Mamedov and the Minister of Transportation and Communications of Turkey Binal Ildirim. The sides discussed the strategic importance of simplification of boarder procedures ...
1/26/2011 The President of Georgia awarded Lithuanian journalist with Presidential Order of Excellence The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili awarded one of the most popular Lithuanian journalists Edita Mildazhyte with the Presidential Order of Excellence for her personal shares in developing journalism, for active public and charity work and for the...
1/25/2011 The President of Georgia responded to people's questions in televised phone-in The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili responded to the questions asked by people in televised phone-in within the frames of First Informational Caucasian's project "President Answers People's Questions". The majority of questions were about social ...
1/25/2011 The President of Georgia condemned terrorist attack that took place in Moscow The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili condemned terrorist attack that took place in Moscow at "Domodedovo" airport on January 24. The President made a comment regarding this fact at First Informational Caucasian Channel within the frames of the pro...
1/25/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili officially opened new economic zone of registration Mikheil Saakashvili visited new economic zone of registration sufficient to contemporary standards in Adlia. It officially got activated today. The President of Georgia got interested of how operative the customs clearance procedure is in new EZR and went...
1/24/2011 The President of Georgia visited new resort zone in Khulo region The President of Georgia visited a resort zone under construction in Khulo region, where skiing slope and ski lift were opened. New sport base started operating in village Danisparauli, it is located on 1600 meters above sea level. The teenagers will pre...
1/24/2011 The President of Georgia opened gas-main pipeline in Poti The President of Georgia opened gas-main pipeline in Poti today and lit the natural gas as well. Gasification of Poti is the part of President's initiative "Gas for every village in Georgia" that was fulfilled in most of the cities around Georgia. Full ga...
1/24/2011 The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held a briefing The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia MananaManjgaladze held a briefing, where she informed the representatives of media and public about the project prepared by "First Information Channel Caucasian" - "the President answers people's questions". A...
1/22/2011 Bilateral meeting was held between the President of Georgia and the President of Armenia A tte--tte meeting was held between the Presidents of Georgia and Armenia at the President's Palace in Yerevan today. A meeting in of delegations was held in the wide format later. The President of Georgia offered his Armenian counterpart to start negotia...
1/22/2011 The Presidents of Georgia and Armenia awarded the winners of Georgian-Armenian School Olympiads The President of Georgia MikheilSaakashvili paid a two-day working visit to the Republic of Armenia. His Armenian counterpart SerzhSargsyan welcomed him at Yerevan Airport. The first place the President visited was center of technologies, where both of th...
1/22/2011 The President of Georgia made a comment regarding a blast that took place in Tkibuli mine in Yerevan The President of Georgia is on his working visit in Armenia, where he made a comment regarding the tragedy that took place in Tkibuli mine named after Mindeli. He said that the international commission would investigate this fact. The President requires p...
1/22/2011 The President of Georgia departed for the Republic of Armenia The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili departed for the Republic of Armenia for a working visit, where he will hold meetings on highest level. Mikheil Saakashvili will meet the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in tte--tte format. Later the wide f...
1/20/2011 The President of Georgia Visited Kakheti Region The President of Georgia went to Sighnaghi today and visited a newly opened hotel "Solomon 1805" that belongs to "Chkonia Holding Group". All required conditions are created for the guests and visitors for leisure and fun, as well as for working purposes....
1/18/2011 The President of Georgia has awarded Ms. Lamara Chkonia, the opera singer with the Presidential Order of Excellency The president of Georgia, Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili has awarded Ms. Lamara Chkonia, the opera singer, the laureate of the international contests, with the presidential order of excellence, for her outstanding and distinguished carrier and effective role in ...
1/18/2011 Briefing held by the Spokesperson of the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze summed up the visit of the President to United States on the first briefing held this year. As she said the President of Georgia was specially invited to United States on an event dedicated ...
1/15/2011 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakasvhili met the President of United States Barack Obama The Vice President of United States Joseph Biden attended the meeting between the President of Georgia and United States as well. It was held by the initiative of the White House and was closed for the press. ...
1/15/2011 The President of Georgia attended the event dedicated to the memory of Richard Holbrook The President of Georgia MikheilSaakashviliparticipated in the ceremony dedicated to the memory of Richard Holbrook that was held in Washington DC at Kennedy Center. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees David Rubenstein opened the event. He expressed his...
1/13/2011 The President of Georgia awarded Senator Joseph Lieberman with St George's Order of Victory The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili: I have an honor to award you with the highest medal Georgia has, on behalf of my nation. I just what to say few words what you mean for us and why you represent an exceptional person for struggling people like...
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