

6/29/2007 President Saakashvili opens aquapark in Tbilisi Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today attended the opening of a newly built aquapark in Tbilisi's Nadzaladevi district. He noted that the leisure facility was built in a neighbourhood that had once been bombed out and destroyed. "Prior to the Rose ...
6/26/2007 President Saakashvili meets representatives of Georgian Diaspora in Turkey Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today met representatives of the Georgian Diaspora in Turkey as part of his ongoing visit to the country. The meeting at the Conrad Hotel in Istanbul was emotional, as Diaspora representatives held a special concert ...
6/26/2007 President Saakashvili's address at the energy conference Our countries truly need energy diversification. We are once again noting that our region is of major geopolitical significance. Energy resources should be available for all. For this to happen, not only states, but also companies must work together to de...
6/25/2007 President Saakashvili addresses BSEC summit in Istanbul The 15th annual summit of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation kicked off today in Istanbul. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and eleven other heads of state of BSEC member countries are taking part in the summit and will also atte...
6/24/2007 President Saakashvili visiting Turkey to attend BSEC summit Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has travelled to the Republic of Turkey to attend a summit of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation together with 11 other regional heads of state, as well as a conference on energy issues.The main topics of discussion ...
6/21/2007 President Saakashvili visits mainly ethnic Armenian Javakheti region Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today visited the predominately ethnic Armenian-populated Javakheti region. Saakashvili opened a sports hall in Ninotsminda together with locals who had participated in the Patriot youth camp programme. The president...
6/19/2007 GUAM leaders hold plenary meeting at Baku summit A plenary meeting of the leaders of GUAM member states was held today in Baku. The presidents of Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan and the prime minister of Moldova delivered addresses at the meeting and later signed a declaration on regional cooperation. I...
6/18/2007 President Saakashvili attending GUAM summit in Baku Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in Baku today to take part in a summit of leaders of GUAM member countries. The regional summit, which brings together the heads of state of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova, has taken on internationa...
6/17/2007 President Saakashvili travels to Baku for GUAM summit Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili will travel to Baku, Azerbaijan on 18 June for a two-day visit during which he will attend a summit of leaders of GUAM member states. GUAM is a regional alliance that brings together Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and ...
6/16/2007 President Saakashvili touts cooperation with UAE at reception honouring visiting shaykh Shaykh Saud Bin-Saqr al-Qasimi, the deputy ruler of the UAE's Ra's al-Khaymah emirate, has arrived in Georgia to inspect recently purchased property. The Ra's al-Khaymah development company is beginning work on the Tbilisi Hyatt and Uptown Tbilisi project...
6/14/2007 President Saakashvili comments on his meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to journalists in Paris on 13 June following his meeting with his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy. Saakashvili said that his conversation with the newly elected leader had convinced him that France would pro...
6/13/2007 President Saakashvili meets newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris As part of his ongoing official visit to France, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili was one of the first world leaders to be received by newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy in his Paris residence. During a face-to-face meeting the president...
6/10/2007 President Saakashvili addresses Georgian Diaspora representatives at the Georgian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in St Petersburg. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has visited the Georgian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in St Petersburg, which was built with the financial support of the Georgian Diaspora in Russia. At the church, Saakashvili spoke about the details of his m...
6/9/2007 President Saakashvili meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today arrived in St Petersburg to attend an informal summit of CIS heads of state and a world economic forum. Within the framework of the visit he met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at Constantine Palace toda...
6/5/2007 President Saakashvili to visit Ukraine on 6-7 June On 6 June Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili will travel to Ukraine for a working visit. During the visit Saakashvili will hold a face-to-face meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.Later, the two presidents will unveil a monument to 12th ...
6/1/2007 President Saakashvili visits Ghudushauri children's clinic in Tbilisi Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, together with First Lady Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs, today visited Tbilisi's Ghudushauri clinic to attend a presentation of a new programme to diagnose congenital defects at an early age. The programme envisages genet...
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