

The President of Georgia opened a new hospital in Tchiatura

The President of Georgia opened a multi-profile hospital within the scope of the hospital sector development program in Tchiatura this time. Mikheil Saakashvili toured the clinic and visited its first patients. The Head of State spoke with them about the importance of health insurance and noted that next year, children will also have insurance.

The President of Georgia also met with the population gathered around the hospital and addressed them. Mikheil Saakashvili talked to them about the accessibility of the healthcare system and drew attention to the new program, which envisions free dental care for the socially unprotected. He also touched on the issue of retraining doctors and noted that Georgia needs many highly qualified specialists.

“We need better hospitals and more qualified doctors as well. That is why we have to retrain those whom we already have. This is extremely important. We have invited a lot of foreign professors so that our doctors do not make any more mistakes. Every pensioner and socially unprotected person will have health insurance in Georgia next year. This policy will cover almost everything. Aside from this, we shall do everything possible so that each one of you is protected. This is a principal issue for us. A while ago, we started working on a new program called “Georgia with a Smile” that envisions dental care for the socially unprotected. Of course, we won’t be able to provide care for everyone at the same time, because it is impossible to find this many dentists, but we will gradually reach every village and region” – stated the President of Georgia.

Mikheil Saakashvili also spoke about the projects related to overcoming poverty and noted that this town deserves special attention from the state.

“We have to abolish the poverty line in our country once and for all. Each one of you deserves the best life because Tchiatura is truly a special town. This is a small place, but it is distinguished by its special intelligence, education, patriotism, special Georgian pride and politeness. Incredibly talented people live here. Let’s recall how many famous people came from here: Engineers, academicians, professors, politicians; how many of them have achieved fame not only in Georgia but throughout the entire world” – noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

The clinic of the highest standards was built by the insurance company “Irao” with an investment of 3 million GEL. The local population has an opportunity to get ambulatory, therapeutic, surgery, maternity and other types of care at the hospital.  The new hospital that is equipped with ultramodern technology has 25 beds and employs up to 120 highly qualified specialists. 

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