

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held her traditional briefing


The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia started her briefing with one of the most interesting and important political event that took place last week at the legislative body. The society received pretty full information bothering them through government hour and debates."The speech and the report of the Prime Minister were very important, according to which he presented 10-point strategic plan on the development of social-economic spheres. It is obvious that the considerations of the opposition -parliamentary opposition was very important to hear. These debates once again proved that Georgian Parliament is a body, where diverse positions are expressed. The Prime Minister will deliver a final report and the government will be given a chance to openly present their visions and position on the development of the country",- Manana Manjgaladze noted. During the discussion of government plans and strategy the Spokesperson stressed her attention on the most vital spheres for country - agriculture. "It is clear that the State imported hybrid seed material for corn to support agriculture. The supportive program of corn production has already started. The interest from the side of farmers and peasants is pretty big; more that 35 thousand physical and legal persons had registered already. The above-mentioned procedure will last to the end of April, so the interested persons may address the local regional centers and administrations, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture. It has to be noted that besides those regions where corn is a traditional culture - it concerns the regions of Eastern Georgia -Kakheti, particularly Lagodekhi region shows the largest number of registered people. This tendency is a new very interesting tendentious within the frames of this program", the Spokesperson noted. As Manana Manjgaladze said the client receives professional consultations and banking proposals while receiving seeding materials and registration. In case of taking loan these conditions are very special.

As she noted it is very important that the harvest will be exported by full guarantees and it is a very big motivation for the producers.

It is important that Georgia will become a country that exports corn first time. Among countries interested in this program are Azerbaijan and Turkey.

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