

Traditional briefing for the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia

"The major political event and epicenter during the week, it could be said is moving to the Parliament. The debates will continue in the Parliament till the end of the week", the Spokesperson for the President noted.

As she stated there was no such a precedent during last several years in the legislative body. The government of Georgia would have a chance to make a report in front of the legislation. The representatives of the government will try to answer those questions that will be asked on the issues most bothering Georgian population both from the side of opposition and the majority as well.

"It is natural that these issues will be from economic, social and healthcare spheres, as well as on the development of agriculture and problems regarding this field. Also regarding the reforms fulfilled and not fulfilled in this very spheres. Debates will concern the inflation as well, among them those plans that are connected to the termination of inflation pressure. The President of Georgia observes this very important political process with a big interest that takes place in the Parliament during the whole week", she stated.

As she said the President observes the process of distribution of electricity and food vouchers with a special interest as well. The distribution of electricity vouchers finished on March 21. However she added that those families, who have not received vouchers yet, must address the sufficient structure with a statement in order to correct this mistake.

"I would like to give you some information regarding the distribution process of the vouchers. According to today's data 621 thousand 928 vouchers have already been distributed and 302 thousand 308 are already cashed out and 15 thousand are given as a gift. This process takes place in every region and will continue until every family gets this aid", the Spokesperson noted. 

Manana Manjgaladze briefly evaluated the visit of the President to United States that ended on March 17th

"It was said many times that this visit carried an economic importance. The agreement signed between Donald Trump's Organization and Silk Road Group was very important. However, it should be noted that Mikheil Saakashvili held various political meetings as well. In particular, he met the leaders of Republican and Democratic parties in the Senate. I would like to underline the importance of wide format meeting in the Senate, with the Senate Democratic Leader Senator Harry Reid,Republican Leader Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of Senate Committee on Armed Services, leading members of Senate Committee on Armed Services John McCain and Senator Saxby Chambliss, Senator Benjamin Cardin, the leading member of Senate Committee of Foreign Relations. He held tête-à-tête meetings with the separate Senators that are exceptional supporters of Georgia. Besides this a meeting with Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Chairman of Subcommittee of European Affairs at the Congress Committee of International Affairs, Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Gram were of great importance as well.Mikheil Saakashvili met with IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn in Washington DC as well", the Spokesperson noted.


Manana Manjgaladze stressed her attention on the meeting held between the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and David Petraeus United States Army General current Commander of ISAF and Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan. During his discussion with the journalists David Petraeus noted that the meeting was productive and gave a high evaluation to Georgian forces deployed in Afghanistan. As he said Georgian soldiers perform very difficult tasks and that this process is irreversible.

The Spokesperson also stated that the President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Karl Lamers. One more issue that is still active concerns the tragedy that took place in Japan.

"As you know Georgia expressed wish to help Japanese people and it could be said that Georgia takes it's modest shares in this as well. Together with the agreement with Japanese side it was decided to send drinking water as a part of humanitarian aid to Japan. Tbilisi-Tokyo flight will be conducted", the Spokesperson noted and added that the Embassy of Georgia in Japan is on the permanent contact with the citizens of Georgia residing there and is ready to help them with the issues of transportation as well.  




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