

The President of Georgia met the Vice Premiers of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro

The President of Georgia held a meeting with Vice Premiers of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Montenegro at Kvareli Lake resort today. The subject of discussion was reforms that were carried out in order to develop business environment and tourism in Georgia.

"I opened a school in a village this morning, three thousand persons live there. 70 percent of this village supported us during the Rose Revolution. People asked us then: please pave even a little part of our road and we will vote for you forever. We built a road corresponding to the standards of Switzerland. We have brought natural gas in - they never had natural gas, we have restored running water without schedule and built a school. Today, when I visited this village I have received a whole bunch of letters. The population is asking for many other things. This fact indicates that the more we do more requirement comes from the people. I know the best how much we have to do in order to improve conditions", the President noted. 

Sergei Tigipko, Simeon Djankov and Igor Luksic participate in business formu held in Georgia.

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