

The President of Georgia opened a new school in village Gavazi

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened a new school in village Gavazi, Kvareli region. It is a three-store building and is equipped with modern international standards. Labs of chemistry, physics and biology represent an innovation as a computers' room equipped with internet. Mikheil Saakashvili visited new classrooms and awarded two successful school children - Valeri Giorgashvili and Gvantsa Zakalashvili with computers.

"It is obvious that computer cannot substitute books - book is something that cannot be changed, but computer, as an additional tool opens many possibilities to youngsters. Everybody have a chance to study, among them those - who do not want to study. We will grant computers to everyone, who study's well", President Saakashvili noted. The President of Georgia stated during his conversation with school-leadership that Kakheti infrastructure is developing and that its development will continue in future as well.

"Some might think that we are distributing only promises, but it is not like this. I have visited this village many times before, among them during pre-election campaigns and despite the fact that we overcame world economic crises and war - our territories are still under the occupation. We had a village program that we carried out in this village too. We have constructed road, restored water supply systems and now village is being supplied much better than it had in previous times. Recently we brought natural gas in. Every family has natural gas now. We have brought tractors in this village and this beautiful school crowns all of these. Children couldn't even dream about a school like this in many places around Georgia. This is an example that we are not only forgetting our promises, but we fulfill them all the time. I want everybody to remember it well. It had been like this in Georgia and in many other countries before - they used to give promises to people, but later nothing was fulfilled. We aren't forgetting anything - we are following up our program and we will do like this in future as well", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

The school in village Gavazi was founded in 1886. The construction of new educational facility started in 2008 and finished in 2010 by the finances of the World Bank. The school has two English language teachers, who came to Georgia within the frames of program "Teach and study together with Georgia".

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