

The President of Georgia congratulated the investors with the launch of construction of hotels in free tourists' zone


Today it is a very sunny and beautiful day, because we are starting the fulfillment of our plans. What we do now is what we agreed about several weeks ago.

The construction of twenty new hotels will start next week in Kobuleti, the construction of twelve hotels have already started.

We have fulfilled responsibilities we took - the Parliament of Georgia is passing a resolution and a law on these hotels that these hotels will be free of series of taxes.  

We gave you this land for free and we give you part of the beach so that every hotel will be located on it. We are providing you with water, natural gas and other communications that are necessary for hotel functioning.

At the same time we are fulfilling our obligation, according to which this place will become connected to Batumi center. The construction of this road will start in ten days; this means that it will take 15-20 minutes to get to Batumi center. In one word - this place will become a part of Batumi.

Do you know that our amusement park "Tsitsinatela" is the biggest park in whole Eastern Europe. Open air and closed concert halls for ten thousand people are located here as well - these halls will become a prominent center of our culture. Besides this Kobuleti unique pine forest is close by, with its unique microclimate, beach and very important tourism potential. About thousand people are being employed on the construction of 20 hotels. When these hotels finish (besides the fact that the major part will be finished next year, the whole project will be ready by 2012 season) about three thousand people will be employed here; it means the people. This place was the most undeveloped part of Kobuleti in the past, it wasn't a tourist zone at all, though in regards of natural conditions it was the most interesting part - this is the result of mutual work of investors and the government.

I want to tell all unbelieving Tomas, who say that Georgians leave the country and are not investing money - almost every company here is Georgian, though we welcome foreign companies as well, because their investments also give jobs to people and attract tourists.  

Right now every company is Georgian and among them are those Georgians, who returned from abroad and are using the money made in foreign countries for the prosperity of our country. 

I want to thank each of you and promise you that all pledges and obligations will be fulfilled. The road will be ready next summer and all communications will be completed in the coming weeks and months. As for obligations connected with taxes - Georgian state will fulfill each of them, because this will be a norm set by the Constitution. According to the new law, changes of taxes will be possible only by means of referendum. The obligation taken by us for 15 years is legalized by the Constitution and none of future governments will be able to change it, because it will require a very high quorum and obligations. This is very important for each of those people, who plan to get profit and reach success out of this business. 

The drafts of these projects will be handed to you. These are very beautiful projects according to which this new gorgeous place, this district and rayon are being constructed.

I wish to congratulate you you and the population of Kobuleti on this day. I want to congratulate myself as well. What we say is being done and each promise is fulfilled. I have promised you, we all have made a wish together, planned together and are doing the job together. We have to continue in the same way in future.

Thank you very much!

Wish you success.

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