

The President of Georgia met the Prime Minister of Kuwait

The President of Georgia continues his official visit to Kuwait. Kuwaiti Embassy will soon open in Georgia. The information was made public during the President's first official visit in Kuwait.

Mikheil Saakashvili met the leader of "Alshaia" group that is the owner of the world-known brands. Besides the President met the Prime Minister of Kuwait. In accordance with the decisions made at this meeting by the end of October a business-forum will be held in Kuwait and the Georgian side will bring some specific investment projects.

Great interest was expressed on the investors' side regarding the investments in Georgia. Specifically in the spheres of energy, tourism, agriculture and development. In near future delegation of business people will arrive from Kuwait. In the frames of the visit Mikheil Saakashvili met the heads of well-known investment holdings - Khuparo Group and Financial House.

These companies invested their capital in the biggest world brands.

It's already known that Kuwait Fund will invest serious amount of money in the development of Tbilisi educational installations.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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