

President Saakashvili distributes tractors in village Tserovani

I would like to greet the residents of the village Tserovani, especially the children as well as the governor of this region and the minister of agriculture.

Today we are having a very important event.

We have launched implementation of a comprehensive mechanization program in agriculture.

In the nearest future the number of tractors as well as the production of the agricultural products in Georgia should double at the least.

The Kakheti region will be the first to receive 150 tractors, because this region has been the badly effected by the wine embargo.

Two weeks ago when I was visiting the Kakheti region I promised its residents to give them the tractors and they will get the next 200 ones in the near future.

Now I am instructing the minister of agriculture to distribute the tractors fairly.

The service centres have to be created, the prices should be affordable and no privileges should de given to anyone. On healthy and commercial basis, with the help of the government, everything should be affordable for the people.

The only thing which is beyond our abilities is to minimize the diesel fuel price, because these prices are fixed by the world market rather than by Georgia. The rest - the distribution of free saplings and seeds will be provided by the government. We will also ensure that consultations are given and affordable prices are fixed on tractors.

The Georgian winemakers must know that someone has decided to root out the wine culture in Georgia, but even Shah-Abas could not manage to do this and no one will ever be able to do this.

We will have problems and hardships but if we stand side by side and if we work hard there will be not be any insurmountable obstacle for us or any problem, which we will not be able to solve. There is no competition which we will not be able to withstand and also, there is no market which we will not be able to capture.

We will not only save our wine industry but will strengthen it in the future even in these difficult conditions.

The most important thing is not to be frightened, not to escape the problems, to make huge effort and to work very hard.

Thank you!

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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