

8/23/2005 U.S. Ambassador Designate, John Tefft, presents his credentials to President Saakashvili Today U.S. Ambassador Designate, John Tefft, presented his credentials to President Mikhail Saakashvili in the President's Office at the State Chancellery. Mr. Tefft made his welcoming speech in Georgian: "I would like to express my deep respect towards y...
8/18/2005 President Mikheil Saakashvili leaves for Crimea Today President Mikheil Saakashvili left for Ukraine to participate in the celebration of 80 years anniversary of a youth camp "Artek". President of Georgia will meet Presidents of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania also attending the celebration ceremomy in C...
8/15/2005 President Saakashvili opens a new cinema house in Batumi Today president Mikheil Saakashvili attended an opening of a new modern-style Cinema in Batumi, Ajara. President addressed the public gathered in front of the cinema and spoke about achievements and work done in Adjara since new government came to power l...
8/12/2005 President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko visits Georgia Today President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko arrived to Georgia for three days unofficial visit. President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and other members of government met President Yushchenko at the airport. The Presidents then traveled to Likani gover...
8/12/2005 Borjomi Declaration We, the Presidents of Ukraine and Georgia, express our strong belief that the strengthening of democracy and civil society is one of the main tasks of and prerequisites for the economic development of our countries and our region, which set in Europe, uni...
8/7/2005 Mikheil Saakashvili: “there is no alternative to peaceful resolution of the conflict” Today President Mikheil Saakashvili commented the accusations of de-facto government of Tskhinvali region. "I want to reply the accusations spread within last weeks as if Georgia would plan a military operation [against Tskhinvali regime] in the nearest f...
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