

The President of Georgia will participate in the Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw

The President of Georgia has left for Poland, where he will participate in the second Eastern Partnership Summit. The Summit hosted in Warsaw will be attended by the EU leadership as well as leaders of Eastern European and several EU Member States. Mikheil Saakashvili will hold important bilateral meetings with the highest representatives of the European Union and  leaders of several other states within the scope of the forum. Additionally, the President of Georgia will address the participants of the Plenary Committee.

Such important issues as beginning of negotiations regarding the signing of the free trade agreement between Georgia and the EU, signing the agreement about associated membership of Georgia in the EU, and liberalization of visas with EU member states will be discussed during the summit. There will also be a discussion regarding the issue of security in Georgia as well as in the entire region.

The first Eastern Partnership Summit was held on May 7, 2009 and it was hosted by a former Chair Country of the EU, the Czech Republic.



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