

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili meets Javier Solana, secretary-general of the Council of the European Union in Brussels.

Mikheil Saakashvili and Javier Solana discussed Georgia's integration with European structures and later held a joint news conference. Journalists asked them questions regarding Georgia's conflict regions [Abkhazia and South Ossetia]. 
[Solana, in English with overlaid Georgian translation] Mikheil Saakashvili will hold meetings tomorrow at NATO headquarters. Extensive comments on Georgia's accession to the alliance will be made then, but it is clear that the security of the whole continent is very important for the EU; we are taking significant steps towards deepening cooperation. 

[Solana] We are satisfied with the implementation of the Neighbourhood Policy. Reforms in Georgia are moving ahead at a fast pace. This is a very good indicator for your country. 

There was one question about Abkhazia in relation to Kosovo. The Georgian president said that putting up with this [separatist] government and its actions would be like putting up with cannibalism in Europe. 

[Saakashvili, in English with overlaid Georgian translation] A small group with help from foreign forces expelled 600,000 [as heard] local people from their homes and are now saying that it is their territory. If we tolerate this, then we must also tolerate the fact that a European-style democracy can be replaced with cannibalism. That would mean that a small group anywhere in the world can slaughter innocent people and then say that they do not want to remain part of a certain state. We cannot hold talks about the infringement of our territorial integrity and I do not advise people to speculate on this. 

Translated by BBC Monitoring

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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