

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held briefing

Many questions were raised after the interview of the President of the Russian Federation Dimitri Medvedev regarding his expressions and many journalists addressed with these questions the Government of Georgia and President's Administration.

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia deemed it necessary to make a brief comment on the above-mentioned matter.

"It is alarming that the President of Russia still justifies with cynicism ethnic cleansing and occupation that Russian Federation carried against the Georgian nation. Medvedev's phrase, according to which by means of occupation, aggression and ethnic cleansing Russia gave a lesson not to Georgia only but to its neighboring countries as well - was very much significant.

President Medvedev made an absolutely irresponsible comment regarding accusations strengthened by serious evidence, which are connected with the terrorist attacks organized by Russian special services. He had practically proven that the Russian Federation had never investigated and is not going to investigate this case and make them answer who convicted this crime.

I think that everything is clear. We once again listened to the phrases of Cold War period regarding Western conspiracy against Russian Federation. All of this causes the concern of Georgia and not Georgia only. It is regrettable that the President of neighboring country speaks in such manner not about Georgia only, but about other neighbors and their statehood as well and expresses total dishonor towards partner countries.
We want civilized, friendly relations with Russia, but it will become possible only if Russia treats Georgia, Georgian people, its will, its freedom and fundamental rights with respect and will stop vain attempts of restoring the Soviet Empire in any forms", - Manana Manjgaladze stated.  

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