The President of Georgia held bilateral meetings in Brussels


The President of Georgia, who is currently in Brussels as a result of a personal invitation by the EPP President, is holding bilateral meetings with the leaders of the EU and the Council of Europe.

The Head of State held several meetings in Brussels, where the progress in the EU-Georgia relations and future plans were discussed.

Mikheil Saakashvili met with the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, today. The sides focused attention on the existing progress in terms of negotiations with the EU. The results of the negotiations over the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements were also discussed as well as regional security and the internal political situation in the country. The President once again expressed readiness to have as many observers from the European Parliament as possible during the Parliamentary elections in October. In his turn Martin Schulz once again expressed his support of Georgia in the process of Euro Integration.

The process of negotiations with the EU was the main topic of the meeting between Mikheil Saakashvili and Catherine Ashton. During the meeting with High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Baroness Catherine Ashton, the sides discussed the priority issues which will accelerate integration of Georgia in the structures. During the meeting, Catherine Ashton also emphasized the progress that the sides have reached in terms of negotiations over Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement and visa free travel. One of the main topics of discussion was opportunities of accelerating this process and strengthening the country’s economy as well as addressing the unemployment problem.

Mikheil Saakashvili stressed the necessity of holding parliamentary elections in a Democratic environment and stated that Georgia is ready to receive as many European observers as possible. After the meeting, the President spoke about the importance of the ongoing negotiations. According to him, the government is working on a new program, which also envisions intensifying the process of integrating in the European structures. The Head of State also spoke about the importance of the ongoing negotiations with the EU and expressed hope that the dialogue regarding the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement and visa free travel will end in a year and a half.

Later today, the President of Georgia met with the European Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger. The main topic of discussion was deepening energy cooperation and intensifying the role of Georgia as an energy transit country. The Commissioner noted that Europe considers Georgia as energy producing country and a trustworthy partner.

During the meeting of Mikheil Saakashvili and the President of EPP in Brussels, the sides discussed a wide spectrum of future relations and issues of supporting Georgia in terms of the European integration process. The discussion also touched on the internal political situation and the upcoming elections.

Mikheil Saakashvili is visiting Brussels on a two day visit, where he will participate in the EPP Summit as result of a personal invitation by Wilfried Martens. The President will hold several meetings throughout the day.