The President of Georgia opened the rehabilitated hospital of Tskaltubo


The President of Georgia opened one of the modern hospitals in Tskaltubo today. Mikheil Saakashvili personally congratulated the medical personnel and the local population on the new hospital. The President inspected the hospital and familiarized himself with the details of its work and services. Mikheil Saakashvili visited the first patients and congratulated them on the New Year and expressed interest in their medical insurance policy. According to him, these hospitals have been built for the people that need assistance of the state the most.

Mikheil Saakashvili met with the local population, addressed them and introduced the details of the plan of developing Tskaltubo. According to him, the housing for refugees is being built in Tskaltubo and some of them are already moving to their own apartments. He stated that the freed hotels will be rehabilitated and will help other infrastructural projects to make Tskaltubo more attractive and help the locals to find employment according. Mikheil Saakashvili also mentioned that the opinion of the residents is the most important thing to him.

The Head of State drew attention to the rehabilitation of Tskaltubo and spoke about prospects of developing tourism in the region.

“Based on my predictions, next year at least twice as many tourists must visit this place. Did you know that we have started rehabilitating the water systems of all of Tskaltubo? I am surprised Communists got away with naming this place “Tskaltubo” without installing the water systems. We have invested money in this project and along with Kutaisi the water schedule should improve in Tskaltubo. We will have a 24 hour water flow almost everywhere by the beginning of 2013. Aside from this, we are starting to take care of the internal roads. This place means a lot to me. We rehabilitated Sairme this year and it was full of tourists. If we can do something like that in Sairme, I think we will be able to make such an effect in Tskaltubo as well. Many of the people in the former Soviet Union and in our friendly countries of Eastern Europe still remember this name. We should return to the world market with this name while people still remember it. We must attract people and create opportunities to increase our income. Next year, the members of Parliament will move here and you will have new neighbors. Relocating Parliament is a good chance for Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, and the territories around to revive. People that have lived through a lot of suffering, lack of prospects, poverty, and who have raised children in the harshest conditions live here. Some of you have lost everything. The hope for better life has appeared now, which some people are trying to prevent. You are standing firmly and that is why we will achieve everything we have planned” – said the President to the locals.

The hospital which has been rehabilitated by the insurance companies “BCI” and “Block Georgia” has 15 beds and is equipped with modern European technology. It employs 70 specialists, who have been retrained in Kutaisi and Tbilisi.