The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held traditional briefing


"These were very important days for our country and Georgian diplomacy during last couple of weeks", the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze stated in her traditional weekly briefing. She stressed her attention on the meeting between the Presidents of Georgia and United States, on Mikheil Saakashvili's speech delivered at European Parliament and at one of the major part of this speech - on peace initiative. The decisions made at NATO Lisbon Summit were of high importance as well.

"Georgia continues its way towards Euro-Atlantic Alliance. This is why decisions made in Lisbon are fundamental in sense. Lisbon Summit proved and strengthened decisions made in Bucharest. At the same time Georgia's issue was singled out in the special communiqué. Bilateral meetings held in Brussels and Lisbon were also very important. It is quite natural that the meeting between President Obama and President Saakashvili was exceptional. Meetings with Prime Ministers of Britain, Netherlands, Canada and the President of European Council were vital as well. Besides these negotiations were held with Polish, Romanian and Turkish counterparts. A very important decision was made in Warsaw at NATO Parliamentary Assembly - terms "occupation" and "ethnic cleansing" were determined there. These words were used by many European leaders that once again proves that term "occupation" is already settled at international arena in regards of South Ossetia and Abkhazia", the Spokesperson noted.

Manana Manjgaladze stressed her attention on OSCE Summit that will be held on December 1-2 in Astana, Kazakhstan. She said that this is a very important event and the Georgian delegation, with the leadership of the President will participate in it. The delegation consists of the representatives of the Administration of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Spokesperson touched issue of Ambassador's rotation and noted that new embassies will be opened in several countries and that some Ambassadors will change as well. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the information on this matter yesterday. I want to prove that President's Administration has already sent to the Parliament for discussion and approval. I would like to remind you the list of those countries and candidates that were presented to the legislative organ: United States - Teimuraz Iakobashvili, Brazil - Otar Berdzenishvili, Portugal - Giorgi Gorgiladze, Mexica - Malkhaz Mikeladze, Slovakia - Aleksandre Nalbandov, Poland - Nikoloz Nikolozishvili, European Council - Mamuka Jghenti, Azerbaijan - Teimuraz Sharashenidze, Armenia - TengizSharmanashvili, Egypt - ArchilDzuliashvili and Switzerland - ZurabChiaberashvili", MananaManjgaladze pointed out. "I do not want to leave the very important decision made about our country without any comment - Tbilisi will host Youth Olympic Games in 2015. You know that Georgia worked very actively in this direction and tried to satisfy all requirements and parameters. We have to carry out a lot of work in this field, but one thing is obvious - this is the recognition of our country. This is not recognition of results of our sportsmen, but of those changes that are being fulfilled in our country", the Spokesperson of the President stated.