State System

Legislative, Executive and Judicial governments based on the principles of sharing carry out the governance in Georgia.

The President of Georgia shall be the Head of State of Georgia, which shall lead and exercise the internal and foreign policy of the state. He/she shall ensure the unity and integrity of the country and the activity of the state bodies in accordance with the Constitution. The President of Georgia shall be the higher representative of Georgia in foreign relations.  

The President of Georgia shall be elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of five years. The same person may be elected the President only for two consecutive terms. 

The Parliament of Georgia shall be the supreme representative body of the country, which shall exercise legislative power, determine the principle directions of domestic and foreign policy, exercise control over the activity of the Government within the framework determined by the Constitution and discharge other powers.

The Parliament of Georgia shall consist of 100 members of the Parliament elected by a proportional system and 50 members of Parliament elected by a majority system for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

Due to the conditions described in the Constitution of Georgia Chapter 4 the Parliament of Georgia shall consist of 75 members of the Parliament elected by a proportional system and 75 members of Parliament elected by a majority system for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. 

Due to the chapter #4 of the Constitution of Georgia, after the creation of appropriate conditions and formation of the bodies of local self-government throughout the whole territory of Georgia two chambers shall be set up within the Parliament of Georgia: the Council of Republic and the Senate.  

The Council of Republic shall consist of members elected after a proportional system.

The Senate shall consist of members elected from Abkhazia, the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and other territorial units of Georgia and five members appointed by the President of Georgia. 

The Government shall ensure the exercise of the executive power, the internal and foreign policy of the state in accordance with the legislation of Georgia. The Government shall be responsible before the President and the Parliament of Georgia.

The Government shall be composed by the Prime Minister and the Ministers. The State Minister (the State Ministers) may be in the composition of the Government. The Prime Minister shall charge

One of the members of the Government with the exercise of the responsibilities of the Vice Prime Minister. The Government and the members of the Government shall withdraw the authority before the President of Georgia.   

The Head of the Government of Georgia - the Prime Minister shall determine the directions of the activity of the Government, organize the activity of the Government, exercise co-ordination and control over the activity of the members of the Government, submit report on the activity of the Government to the President and be responsible for the activity of the Government before the President and the Parliament of Georgia.

The Prime Minister shall appoint other members of the Government by the consent of the President, be authorized to dismiss the members of the Government.  

The judiciary shall be independent and exercised exclusively by courts. Judicial power shall be exercised by means of constitutional control, justice and other forms determined by law. 


General courts shall administer Justice. 

Civil, Administrative and Criminal Justice is carried out by the means of General Courts of Georgia. General courts of Georgia are: regional (city) court, court of appeal, Supreme Court of Georgia. 

The Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia shall be set up to appoint and dismiss judges from/to office and for other purposes. Half of the Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia shall be composed of members elected by a

self-government body of the judges of general courts of Georgia. Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia shall chair the Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia.

Establishment of district (city) and appellate courts and identification of their territorial jurisdiction is made by a decision of the Council of Justice of Georgia. 

The Supreme Court of Georgia is the highest cassation court on the whole territory of Georgia. 

The President and the judges of the Supreme Court of Georgia shall be elected for a period of not less than ten years by the Parliament by the majority of the number of the members of Parliament on the current nominal list upon the submission of the President of Georgia.  

The authority, organization of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the procedure of activity and of the pre-term termination of the office of the judges of the Supreme Court shall be determined by law.

The President and the members of the Supreme Court of Georgia shall enjoy personal immunity. Criminal proceeding of the President or a judge of the Supreme Court, their arrest or detention, the search of their apartment, car, workplace or person shall be permissible only by the consent of the Parliament, except when the President or a judge is caught flagrante delicto, which shall immediately be notified to the Parliament. Unless the Parliament gives its consent, the arrested or detained shall immediately be released. 

The Constitutional Court of Georgia shall be the judicial body of Constitutional review. The Constitutional Court of Georgia shall consist of nine judges -  the members of the Constitutional Court. Three members of the Constitutional Court shall be appointed by the President of Georgia, three members shall be elected by the Parliament by not less than three fifths of the number of the members of the Parliament on the current nominal list, three members shall be appointed by the Supreme Court. The term of office of the members of the Constitutional Court shall be ten years.