
Georgian Flag

The appearance of the Georgian flag is as follows; a single right-angled cross on a silver (white) background in the center, four smaller crosses in the corners which is a Christian symbol of Our Savior and the four evangelists. This Christian symbol, as a heraldic sign, was identified for the first time on the coat of arms of Cross bearer Joffrois De Bullion in1099, who received a title of the Guard of the Savior's Grave.

From that period on, this heraldic sign signifies the Savior's Grave and the Christian centre - Jerusalem. It is known by three titles - Joffrois De Bullion's Coat of Arms, Jerusalem's Coat of Arms and as a Holy Sign.

The silver (white) background is a sign of innocence, chastity, purity and wisdom, while the red signifies courage, bravery, justice and love.

This flag was clearly identified on the Georgian territory on the sea chart of Anjelino Dulcheri (1339 y.), Francesco and Domenico Pizigano (1367 y.) and Sider (1565 y.)


Georgian National Anthem



Our icon is the homeland
Trust in God is our creed,
Enlightened land of plains and mounts,
Blessed by God and holy heaven.

The freedom path we've learnt to follow
Makes our future spirits stronger,
The morning star will rise above us
And lighten up the land between the two seas.

Glory to long-cherished freedom,
Glory liberty!

Text by David Magradze
Music by Zakaria Paliashvili
Translated by Irakli Charkviani


Georgia's Large Coat of Arms

Red background has a silver horseman, St. George, with a golden falcon, defeating a silver dragon with a silver spear.

Shield decoration - Georgian/Iverian coronet;

Two Golden Pharisaical lions;

Shield basis - (support) depicts a Georgian vineyard stylized ornament, plaited with motto bandages;

Motto bandages are colored in white and red and have a legend written in an ancient alphabet on them.


Georgia's Small Coat of Arms

Red background has a silver horseman, St. George, with a golden falcon, defeating a silver dragon with a silver spear.