
Meetings & Visits

7/29/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili continues his visit to Peru Mikheil Saakashvili continues his visit to Peru. The purpose of visit was to attend inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of Peru. Besides the inauguration ceremony events dedicated to the Independence Day of Peru are held in Lima as well,...
7/28/2011 The President of Georgia attended the inauguration of newly elected President of Peru The President of Georgia attended the inauguration of newly elected President of Peru. Ollanta Humala personally invited the leader of Georgia at the oath-giving ceremony. Mikheil Saakashvili is the only leader that doesn't belong to this region. Governme...
7/22/2011 The President of Georgia met the European Commissioner in European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule tete-a-tete The President of Georgia met the European Commissioner in European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule tete-a-tete. The sides discussed active issues of Georgian-EU cooperation, among them the importance of free trade and further liberalization of visa free r...
7/14/2011 The President of Georgia Met Foreign Minister of Ukraine Today the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met Foreign Minister of Ukraine Konstantin Gerashchenko at the house of justice . The sides discussed Georgia - Ukraine's bilateral and multilateral issues and prospects for further development and streng...
7/12/2011 The president of Georgia Received the Members of National Rugby Union Today Mikheil Saakashvili received the members of National Rugby Union in the presidential palace. At the meeting arranged before their arrival for the World Cup preparatory gathering, the President wished success to the athletes and expressed his support...
7/4/2011 The President of Georgia hosted his Estonian counterpart in Batumi The President of Estonia visited Batumi today. Toomas Hendrik Ilves went through renovated Batumi and later he went to recently opened House of Justice, where he met the President of Georgia. Mikheil Saakashvili expressed his gratitude to his Estonian cou...