
Georgia in World Media

FOXNEWS had an interview with President of Georgia

Neil Cavuto's show - Your World; 11 march, 2011

Neil Cavuto:

Mr. President, good to have you.

President of Georgia:

It is nice to be back on your show.

Neil Cavuto:

You and Trump looked like a pretty good team there.

President of Georgia:

Team, well, we have some similar show as well as this in Georgia.

Neil Cavuto:

What is he going to do there? Is he going to build, is that it?

President of Georgia:

Actually he licensed a big investment, hundreds of million of dollars of the big development on our sea coast. Georgia is a place where we have the only tropical part on the Black Sea, which very much looks like Northern California and this is also a country, where during the year you can swim and ski at the same time, within a couple of hours driving distance. But the fact that he is coming, this is the first time ever in the region. Donald Trump is coming in the Eastern and Central Europe - in Post Soviet places and certainly it is highly symbolic. He said why he is coming today- because, basically, Georgia is according to the World Bank number one easiest place to do business in Eastern and Central Europe.

Neil Cavuto:

Even with all this threats from Vladimer Putin, with all that array you had and you almost got killed...

President of Georgia:

Last time when I came to your show was, it was just around that time, when you see it on the screen, we were being bombed...

Neil Cavuto:

And Trump is ok investing in that country where all of that happened?

President of Georgia:

What turn around is amazing and the resilience in my country is amazing, because we were talking about bombing then and we are talking about billions of dollars of investment coming to my country now, we are talking about fact like while Russia's status being one of the most worst places in terms of corruption in the world, Georgia, according to the International corruption watchdog Transparency International is world's number one fighter with corruption. Also by the way one the safest countries right now in the world, the second safest place in Europe based on the perceptions according to the major European polls.

Neil Cavuto:

Donald Trump had actually a good line on that today. (The extract from TV) Donald Trump: "Well, about this one I am a little bothered, this says the second safest country in Europe - come on, we have to get away with this, that's not like you... I bet by next year this is going to be the first, right?" what does the safest country mean?

President of Georgia:

Well, actually, place where people do not steal or they still much less then in other places, they kill much less than in other places and we have very low crime rate.

Neil Cavuto:

Who is number one?

President of Georgia:

I think it was Island. But because we attacked of corruption, because we changed the whole system and because we gave people fate into these institutions and we created something that serves as a total alternative of what we are coming from and what we are trying to escape from, from the kind of Russian model and Russian orbit.

Neil Cavuto:

Let me ask you Mr. President, there comes often times when we see all these popular revolves, we saw one tonight in Saudi Arabia, where people continue to protest and they have big protest plan for tomorrow. You have experienced that in Georgia, in fact you were the one leading all of that and now here you are that country's President. And, I am wondering how big and how bad thing this gets?

President of Georgia:

Look, one thing is absolutely clear for me, that nothing, nothing in the world can deter (no matter which country) the irresistible instinct that every human being has for dignity and for freedom. And freedom is an essential part of the dignity, right? And I think from that point of view everybody has a right to do it, but the other question is, and this is what happened in Georgia - we all know what people do not want. People do not want pressure, they want freedom and how are they going to achieve it? Today there is a clear program of reforms, there is a clear program of efficient government and institution building after that. By the way, we have lots of people right now all around our place in our region and in countries of Central Asia - Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine - they are learning from our reforms, we have also learned from the other places that had revolutions before us.. Now we hear that lots of Egyptians and Tunisians want to come and learn. And that's the main thing. It is not waiving flags only or taking the seats only. In some places there is violence, we have escaped it without violence. And the other thing what I think proves it is the really efficient politics, politics which is based on values and America is based on values.

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